

Jonathan Marshall

Gekidan Kaitaisha’s Into the Century of Degeneration though begins with an unmotivated woman, wandering into three men who at her touch lift her by the waist, shake her, and drop her. They seize her as though life depended on it. She struggles to escape while one holds her backprotecting her from herself? Each embrace mingles affection, self-hatred, and loathing of the other.
One in a dog collar with eyes heavy with unspeakable sadness manipulates his subject as though trying to save her, hoping to agitate her out of her benumbed reverie. A bully-boy with eyes that bore through walls thrashes her about as though wreaking his havoc on the world. The third reacts instinctively, his sensations dulled but his reactions angry.
For all three, the embrace inflicts pain with a loving cruelty, using an aggressive physicality for salvation and damnation, containment and liberation. The uneven pacing of the embrace, its slow, subtle arousal and whip-lashes of fearsome energy, reveals the anger and love that underlies the meeting of flesh. The bodyand my jaded eyesemerge scarred yet reinvigorated.

劇団解体社の「Into the Century of Degeneration」は、一人の女性がふらふらと三人の男の間をさまようシーンから始まる。



RealTime誌 メルポルン,オーストラリア (Feb. 2000)