
零カテゴリー: 置換と極限

Stephen Barber






「Fragments of Europian City」(London: Reaction,LTD1995)
「Weapons of Liberation」(London: Faber & Faber, forthcoming1996)
「アントナン・アルトー伝 打撃と破砕」/内野 儀 訳(白水社1996)


Stephen Barber

Zero Category explored the vertigo of existing on the most precarious of borderlines —that border where the extremities of the human body encounter the extreme power of the media images which penetrate and impel the body. At this interstice where the media operates directly through the human, the human body develops its vital strategies of resistance.

I watched Zero Category, spellbound and displaced. Afterwards, it infused me with memories of travelling through eastern Europe in the years of transformation after 1989:the vast wrecked cities, the sudden apparition of consumer frenzy, the haunted faces of human figures—from Albania to East Germany-whose sky had fallen down.

Zero Category operated through a rigorous accumulation of gestures and silences. In this way, it gathered a condensed and charged corporeal tension which it then subjected to a vivid unleashing, in exhilaration.
In their trajectories through space, memory and time, the human figures of Zero Category exacted a discipline that, from moment to moment, sensorially cracked open, into revealing outbursts of noise, or attack, or sex, or confrontation, or embrace, or silence.

In Zero Category, the immanent presence of the visual city imprinted itself onto every gesture of the human figures that tenuously inhabited it, creating a torn debris of upended, refugee bodies incorporated into the visual arena of media imageries. Zero Category demonstrated the existence of a city—Tokyo, or any other city of the world-layered both with its past devastations and with its virulent contemporary media transmissions.
The meterial of the human body is the screen for the transmutations which the city emanates—a material to be shunned and marginalized if it cannot be swallowed alive. Zero Category interrogated that relationship of image and body—the most compelling and obliterating relationship for any human being in the contemporary world.

Zero Category operated in a zone of immediacy beyond representation and performance. Its own oppositional images were of a starkness and simplicity that collapsed down into intricacy and provocation, into the extremes of what can be done with the human body. Relentlessly, violently, it assembled and disassembled its fragments, its expectorations, its abjections.