

Marie Yereniuk






個人と個人の暴力は全体に浸透したテーマだ。白人男性が金箔の帽子を被った日本人女性を平手で叩く場面がある。彼女は右手にナイフを持ってはいるが、その迫害者に対して報復しようとはしない。背中を叩く音は彼女の痛々しいうめき声よりもはるかに大きい。内野教授はこの場面を日本の植民地化の歴史を彷佛させるが、解釈は聴衆に任せられるものだと述べた。清水は「私がしようとしている事は一つの状況の提示だ」と強調した。「聴衆の思考を刺激したいのだ」と。 内野氏は「(清水は)彼自身に問いかける事、そして聴衆に疑問を投げかける事しか出来ない」と説明した。「彼はあまりにも挑発的だ。我々の感情に対しても、そして心情に対しても。」



Colombia Daily Spectator (Oct. 2001)

The Violence of the Body Globalism in Kaitaisha Theatre

Marie Yereniuk

Although shocking and often disturbing, the Kaitaisha Theatre Company's performance of Bye-Bye: The New Primitive is less a piece of entertainment and more an intense and tantalizing ambiance. The work combines dance, theater, electronic music, and rapid video projections of war scenes to create an atmosphere that is both uncomfortable and thought-provoking. There is little verbal communication because the company advocates a more direct form of communication through movement itself.

Shinjin Shimizu, the company's artistic director, ''is by no means a kind artist,'' said Tadashi Uchino, a professor of the University of Tokyo who spoke prior to the performance. ''He is not interested in giving an audience sheer aesthetic pleasure.'' He is more interested in representing the human body as a tool for communicating the violence and destruction that exist inside and outside the body.

The ''violence of the body'' that influenced Shimizu's desire to create this work is evident in the performance. The piece, structured in a series of fragments, opens in near-darkness and silence. A woman faces the audience wearing only the bottom part of a leotard. Her whole body is tense, shaking in fine vibrations that are reminiscent of machines or robots. Although Shimizu's work is about the human body, Miyuki Nakajima's trembling breasts and shaking hands don't seem quite human.

The woman shares the stage with a man standing completely still, facing away from the audience. His stillness contrasts sharply with her violent shaking, and the two characters are isolated, emotionally as well as physically. Shimizu's comments after the performance helped put the section into the context of the piece: the woman's movement ''shakes the border between the self and other the border itself is disrupted,'' although it does not disappear.

This relatively stationary segment is followed by what seems like an eruption of movement. Video projections of war images--spy planes, explosions, and blood--combine with discordant electronic music to construct an atmosphere of shocking brutality. Creature-like bodies tumble onto stage, tackling each other and somersaulting in a physical frenzy, a symbolic representation of the images on the backdrop. ''Crouching over and jerking with fear, their bodies are intended to function as war machines,'' explained Uchino.

Violence between individuals is a pervasive theme. One scene shows a Caucasian man slapping a Japanese woman who wears a gilded helmet. Although she has a knife in her right hand, she does not retaliate against her oppressor, whose slaps to her back are much louder than her pitiful groans. Professor Uchino suggested that this might be reminiscent of Japan's history of colonization, but its interpretation is up to the audience. ''What I am trying to do is present a situation,'' emphasized Shimizu. ''I would like to provoke thoughts of the audience.''

''[Shimizu] can only ask himself and the audience questions,'' explained Uchino. ''He does so provocatively. Aristotelian catharsis is not operating here. Rather, we feel disturbed, in both our emotions and our minds.''

Shimizu and the performers were trained in Butoh, a contemporary Japanese dance form that often deals with death and brutality. Shimizu was also influenced by the Angura (Underground) theater of the 1960s that chose to emphasize the actor's body rather than plot. Yet according to Professor Uchino, Kaitaisha does not completely fit into this genre. The Angura movement was ''an invention of Japaneseness,'' he explained, while Shimizu is ''a rare globalist.'' His work is about being human, not about being Japanese; he is ''able to think, act, and perform internationally and interculturally.''

Bye-Bye: The New Primitive features universal conflicts such as war, genocide, and isolation. Through movement, silence, and sound, Shimizu's choreography realigns our concept of performance art, reminding us to continue to question the world we inhabit. Art is not always pretty, but it always inspires.

Columbia Daily Spectator / Oct.2001