劇団解体社国際共同制作公演─Transnational Collaboration Project
— Wales, UK・Germany・Poland・Korea・Japan
Dream Regime ─「夢」の体制, Tokyo 2011
第一部 信仰-体・第二部「病者」の時代

TAGTASプロジェクト2011ー虐殺と演劇ー 参加作品

The Dream Regime project was first realised at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff in 2004. Assembled were over 30 artists, academics and guest from countries including East Timor, Indonesia, Spain, USA, England, Japan, Korea, Australia, Germany. The project had some significance in dealing with the question of translation and language: how a spoken gesture can become a performed gesture, a physical action, a remembered action, and perhaps how this can relate to shared and different histories. Initially the project had set-out to consider the hidden histories of cultural diversity within an era of globalisation. As the project evolved, through residencies at further centres in countries including Poland, Germany, Jordon, East Timor, Brazil, it was quite quickly established that globalisation exists everywhere and in each local context are histories which pertain to questions of migration, as well as those more unresolved issues of the marginalised, the oppressed and those who exist as or are made to become invisible. So perhaps Dream Regime has in its own way become a process of learning: from different people across the globe, an effort at dialogue, to listen. I sincerely hope such efforts may continue and that it also can resolve in some way a history reflected from Japan, a moving image in which I hope the Dream Regime can be repeatedly seen with a particular resonance, towards a continually renewing, calming silence of hope.
James Tyson, Theatre Programmer, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff (Wales, UK)


ジェイムズ・タイソン( チャプター・アートセンター/演劇部門プログラム責任者)